Surge Protective Device

  • TNR-T Best Voltage Protector For Home
  • TNR-T Best Voltage Protector For Home

TNR-T Best Voltage Protector For Home

TNR-T series surge protection device based on YD/T 1235.2-2002 and IEC61643-11:2011standard design and production, mainly used in communication, transportation, electric power, railway, high-rise buildings and other fields, for 40Hz-60Hz, TT, TN-C-S, TN-S, TN-C power supply system, prevent lightning voltage and operating voltage on the harm of equipment. Under normal conditions, the surge protector is in a high resistance state. When the surge or overvoltage occurs due to lightning or other reasons, the protector will rapidly lead in the nanosecond time, and the surge and overvoltage will be introduced into the earth

Technical parameter 

Rated voltage Un(V~)220/380220/380220/380220/380220/380
Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc(V~)385385385385385
Nominal discharge current In(kA)2030405060
Maximum discharge current lmax(kA)5080100120150
Voltage protection level Up(kA)<1.8<1.9<2.0<2.2<2.5
Cross section area of lead-in wire(mm²)≥10≥10≥16≥25≥25
Intercepting area of grounding wire (mm²)≥16≥16≥25≥35≥35

Model description

Product wiring diagram and shape size diagram



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